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ICRAR’s research students will be the future astronomers, engineers and data scientists working around the globe in a variety of fields.

We have a strong commitment to providing the best research training and an environment in which our talented students will thrive.

Mr Wayne Arcus

Student - PhD

E: wayne.arcus@icrar.org

Thesis Title: TBC

Mx 16

Student - PhD

E: benjamin.armstrong@icrar.org

P: 08 6488 1117

Mr Ben Burridge

PhD Student

E: benjamin.burridge@icrar.org

I am a part-time PhD Student with the Accretion Physics and Slow Transients group at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy. My Supervisors are Prof. James Miller-Jones, Prof. Arash Bahramian and Dr. Steve Prabu. My PhD project is currently titled “Relativistic Jets from Feeding Black Holes in our Galaxy”.

Mr Jagdish Chawla

Student - Masters

E: jagdish.chawla@icrar.org

P: 0421376384

Mr Jordan D’Silva

Student - PhD

E: jordan.d'silva@icrar.org

PhD Student working on high redshift galaxies observed by the James Webb Space Telescope.

Mr Ajay Dev

Student - PhD

E: ajay.dev@icrar.org

P: +61 432 440450

Mr Shih Ching Fu

Student - PhD

E: shihching.fu@icrar.org

Shih Ching is a graduate student at the Curtin Institute of Radio Astronomy (CIRA). His research involves the application of Bayesian techniques to the analysis of astronomical time-series, namely light curves from radio, optical, and X-ray surveys.

He is also the Secretary of the WA Branch of the Statistical Society of Australia (SSA) and delivers R training as a certified Carpentries Instructor.

Mr Garvit Grover

Student - PhD

E: garvit.grover@icrar.org

P: +61431517711

Searching for long-period and nulling pulsars at Curtin Insitute of Radio Astronomy. Working with the SMART survey and simulating signals to explore the detectability of fast Fourier transform, fast-folding algorithm and single pulse search methods.

Currently on the verge of publishing two papers, one is focused on trying to detect more long-period and nulling puslars and the other is on the discovery of a nulling lon-period pulsar that shows quasiperiodic nulling and sub-pulse drifting.

Mr Joe Grundy

Student - PhD

E: joe.grundy@icrar.org

P: 0448952800

Hi, I am a PhD student at CIRA/CSIRO studying star-formation properties in nearby star-forming galaxies. I am currently a part of the WALLABY team working on the resolved radio continuum and infrared-radio correlation properties of the Eridanus supergroup to see whether we can observe the effects of the group environment.

My future work will involve comparing star forming galaxies which exhibit low frequency turnovers (primarily due to free-free absorption) to those that don’t and seeing how their star-formation properties differ.

Dr Ian Kemp

Student - PhD

E: ian.kemp@icrar.org

First degree and PhD in Metallurgy from the University of Leeds
Postdoc at the University of Wales
8 years as Research Engineer / Senior Research Engineer with BHP Research & BHP Steel in Melbourne and Wollongong, NSW
6 journal papers, 9 conference presentations, 38 internal industry technical reports from this first research career

3 years as IS superintendent with BHP Steel
2 years as Systems Development Manager with the Open Polytechnic of NZ
7 years as web development consultant / Manager of Data Management in NZ government, departments of Eduction, Health and Environment
4 years in Information Management in WA resources industries
10 years in a variety of roles with Chevron Australia, including 2 years on side on Onslow (WA)

Ms Jie Li

Student - PhD

E: jie.li@icrar.org

P: 08 6488 3776

Mr Juno Li

Student - PhD

E: juno.li@icrar.org

P: 0405306898

Mr Ayden McCann

Student - PhD

E: ayden.mccann@research.uwa.edu.au

Currently conducting research as a PhD student with the Astrophotonics group at ICRAR-UWA under the supervision of Dr Shane Walsh, Dr David Gozzard and Dr Sascha Schediwy on the development of mobile optical ground stations for next generation space science and communications

Mr Tyrone O'Doherty

Student - PhD and Forrest Scholar

E: tyrone.odoherty@icrar.org

Mr Sharath Parasuraman Sowmiya

Student - Masters

E: Sharath.ps@icrar.org

P: +61 412885267

Mr Nicholas Pritchard

PhD Candidate

E: nicholas.pritchard@icrar.org

Previously a research software engineer working in the Data-Intensive Astronomy team on the Square Kilometre Array Scientific Data Processing system.

Mr Benjamin Quici

Student - PhD

E: benjamin.quici@icrar.org

P: 08 9266 4670

Degree/Thesis Title: Constraining the dying phase of Radio galaxies with the GLEAM-X radio survey.

Mr Ahmad Raza

Student - PhD

E: ahmad.raza@icrar.org

I am currently a PhD student at the Curtin node of ICRAR.

Craft – Protecting semiconductor devices and systems from high power microwave radiation effects.

Mr Andrei Ristea

Student - PhD

E: andrei.ristea@icrar.org

I am a third-year PhD student working on galaxy kinematics with the largest Integral-Field Spectroscopic (IFS) Surveys in the nearby Universe: SAMI and MaNGA.
My research has focused on the following topics:
– Understanding the origin and characteristics (timescale, magnitude) of stellar-gas kinematic misalignments.

– Analysing the Tully-Fisher (TF) relation in the nearby Universe for a large representative sample with no morphological selection, and quantifying:
the physical causes of scatter in the TF;
the variation of the TF at different radii for both stars and gas – are these components in different states of dynamical equilibrium

– Computing the velocity function in the nearby Universe for a large representative sample, and using it to constrain the baryon content in the nearby Universe

Mr Sriram Sankar

PhD Student

E: sriram.sankar@icrar.org

P: +61 412252042

Ms Manasvee Saraf

Student - PhD

E: manasvee.saraf@icrar.org

P: 0423205255

Thesis title: The relationship between cold gas and its environment at different scales

Ms Jessica Thorne

Student - PhD

E: Jessica.thorne@icrar.org

P: 08 6488 1684

Dissertation Title: Probing the co-evolution of galaxies and their environment over the last 8 billion years

Mr Aakash Varier

Student - Masters

E: aakash.varier@icrar.org

P: 0421933287

Mr Matthew Wilkinson

Student - PhD

E: matthew.wilkinson@icrar.org

P: 08 6488 1127

I am currently working Claudia Lagos and Aaron Ludlow on galaxy morphology in EAGLE in preparation for EAGLE-XL.

Mr Callan Wood

Student - PhD

E: callan.wood@icrar.org

I am currently a PhD student at the Curtin node of ICRAR.

My thesis is titled ‘Real-time Imaging of Black Hole Jets’.