ICRAR staff and students have developed multiple web-based tools to help with various tasks astronomers come across in working life.
Compare the wavelength and other capabilities of major astronomical facilities across the globe.
Cosmology Calculator
Make various distance and other cosmological calculations based on custom set parameters.
HiFi Cosmology Calculator
The High Fidelity Cosmology Calculator including calculators for z, Width and Flux; Angles & Beam; Flux/Mass; Flux/nHI; Fluxd/Tb; Noise; and SNR.
Hyper Fit is an R package for fitting multi-dimensional data with a hyperplane available at github.com/asgr/hyper.fit. The hyper.fit package has a top level line fitting function that uses downhill searches (optim/LaplaceApproximation) or MCMC (LaplacesDemon) to search out the best fitting parameters for a hyperplane (minimum a 1D line for 2D data), including the intrinsic scatter as part of the fit.

ProSpect is a web tool that aims to help users explore star formation histories (SFH) and spectral energy distributions (SED). Beneath it all it makes use of the BC03 synthetic stellar population libraries. On top of this it uses the Charlot and Fall model for birth cloud and screen dust attenuation and re-emits MIR to FIR flux via the incorporation of the most recent Dale dust templates that model the heating of dust by a radiation field and AGN.
What’s Up
Plan observing by finding out what’s in the sky above most currently used telescopes.