- UWA’s code of conduct
- DEI Initiatives
- (N.B. This file has multiple tabs. Make sure you check each one of them to get a full overview of our initiatives!)
- DEI Executive Summary
- DEI Terms of Reference
- Line Manager Check-list
- ICRAR UWA Recruitment Guidelines
- ICRAR UWA Guide for Inclusive Meetings
- ICRAR UWA Checklist for Inclusive Meetings
- Pronoun stickers for meetings
- Slides for Public Overview about DEI initiatives (2019/2020)
- ICRAR (UWA&Curtin) response to the AAS Women in STEM Decadal Plan.
- Climate Survey 2021 Presentation (slides)
Gender balance of hiring at ICRAR-UWA
Below are the gender statistics for the hiring process within ICRAR-UWA since 2016. The gender balance of applicants, shortlist, candidates and selection panel are shown for each year.