Astrofest 2020
WHEN: February 29, 2020
WHERE: Curtin Stadium, Kent Street, Bentley WA, Australia
ICRAR (as a joint venture of Curtin University and the University of Western Australia) proudly supports Astrofest as a principle sponsor and as chair of the organising committee.

This astronomy festival of epic proportions will be a fun celebration of Australian science. Join us for to learn more about the night sky and our amazing Universe! Bring your family and friends and take a look through some of WA’s biggest telescopes at a great evening out.
Preregister to attend and go into a great prize draw (details at the Astronomy WA website).
Vote for your favourite image in the People’s Choice competition as part of the Astrophotography Exhibition.
Highlights for this year’s event include:
- Gaze into the night sky with big telescopes
- See radio telescopes working to discover the hidden Universe invisible to our eyes
- Listen to real-life astronomers about what they’ve discovered in space
- Explore the astrophotography exhibition
- Make your own Lego radio telescope