PhD Candidate and fellow co-organiser Kevin Koay speaking at the ICRAR Postgraduate Students Day.
The first annual ICRAR Postgraduate Student Presentations Day was recently held at ICRAR Brodie-Hall.
The full-day event saw ICRAR postgraduate students from both nodes share their research progress with staff and fellow students.
Students prepared for the event by attending a science communication workshop run by ICRAR outreach and education.
Topics discussed included studies of supernovae remnants, antenna array configurations for the upcoming SKA and Australian indigenous astronomy knowledge.
“The quality of the presentations was very high,” says ICRAR PhD candidate and co-organiser Jacinta Delhaize. “We hope to see this repeated as an annual event.”
Professor Christopher Conselice from the University of Nottingham concluded the successful day with an invited talk discussing the current state of galaxy formation.
“Professor Conselice argued that galaxy formation is driven by the structure and properties of the universe itself,” says Jacinta.
The presentation day gave students the opportunity to practice speaking about their research in a friendly environment, a skill they will draw on throughout their studies and career.
The students would like to pass on a thank you to everyone who made the day a success.