Australian innovation ‘sifts’ space for mysteries
January 28, 2025The first trial of an Australian-developed technology has detected mysterious objects by sifting through signals from space like sand on a beach. Astronomers and…

Ken & Julie Michael Prize 2024 awarded
December 2, 2024The 2024 award recipients are Tyrone O'Doherty from ICRAR/Curtin and Andrei Ristea from ICRAR/UWA.

European Union funds the conceptual study of the Wide Field Spectroscopic Telescope
November 29, 2024UWA is co-lead of the WST survey design package that will define what the facility will observe during its first few years.

ICRAR funding renewed with $25 million State Government commitment
November 28, 2024The State Government has announced it will commit a further $25 million to fund the International Centre for Radio Astronomy (ICRAR) over the next five…

Astronomers may have discovered the answer to a mysterious stellar event
November 26, 2024New data suggests mysterious 'long period transients' could be two orbiting objects, which together create a powerful repeating radio signal.

Australia’s biggest free Space and Astronomy festival celebrates 15 years
November 6, 2024Astrofest, Australia’s largest free Space and Astronomy festival, will celebrate its 15th anniversary in 2024, marking a significant milestone.