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Welcome to the ICRAR family!

Before you arrive, we would like to know a few things about you so that we can make your first day at ICRAR-UWA a seamless one. This information will be shared with our administrative staff in order to organise a desk, computer and student buddy for your arrival.

Please fill in the questionnaire below.

Your Details

(optional) You don't have to use the calendar to choose a date, type it in format dd/mm/yyyy.
You don't have to use the calendar to choose a date, type it in format dd/mm/yyyy.

Nationality Information

List any additional languages you speak in order of fluency.
If you don't have medical insurance you will need to get some before you arrive at ICRAR. Some details can be found on the Australian Government's 'Study in Australia' website.

Thesis Details

If known
Name any other institutional or company affiliations.

Welcome Details

Optional. i.e. hiking, gaming, music etc.
ICRAR is collecting the information in this form for the purposes of Student Administration only. Your information will not be shared with third parties without your permission. You can read more about how we deal with personal information in our Privacy Policy. You can unsubscribe at any time by contacting us.