Studentship Projects 2024
Computer simulations of globular cluster formation in the early Galaxy
Puzzling Propagation in Polarisation Profiles of Fast Radio Bursts
Are Ultra Long Period Radio Transients associated with Supernova Remnants?
Origin of Extreme Emission Line Galaxies
Precision imaging of high-energy particles
Finding the missing satellites around massive galaxies
Unlocking Space Secrets: Electromagnetic Analysis of Wideband Antennas for Space Domain Awareness
AI-Powered Antenna Adventures: Mastering Neural Networks and RF Magic
Galaxies, galaxies everywhere: streamlining the discovery of (more) brand new galaxies
AstroTarget AI: Using AI to aid high school students to select targets on the sky for ICRAR
Comparative Analysis of the Troposphere using Radio Astronomy and Satellite data
3D printed brain models for education and training
Exploring the night sky with the SPIRIT robotic telescope
Unveiling the Epoch of Reionisation
All-sky search for low-frequency FRBs using SKA-Low prototype stations
Searches for pulses from repeating FRBs using SKA-Low stations
Searches for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence with SKA-Low stations
Studying the kinematics of dying galaxies with planetary nebulae
Pulse from our Galaxy: Explore an Enigmatic Mysterious Galactic Source
A 3D High-Definition Study of Nearby Galaxies
Searching for Primodial Deuterium in the Galactic Centre
Why Are the Most Massive Black Holes Always Radio-Loud?
Why don’t all galaxies form stars at the same rate?
Reconstructing intrinsic pulsar emission signatures through profile deconvolution and frequency evolution analysis
Enabling an automated pulsar searching workflow for the SMART project with database integration
Linking Galaxies To Their Dark Matter Halos